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Smile Gallery

Here we have a dark canine tooth which has been minimally trimmed to accept one of the new highly aesthetic strong porcelain crowns.
Porcelain Crown

We take impressions of your jaws and provide you with trays to bleach your teeth at home. Bleaching the teeth is the most economical least invasive way to brighten your teeth.

Here this young person wanted to improve their smile. They disliked their gaps, the shape and proportion of some of their teeth. They did not want the expense or commitment of orthodontic tooth movement. The improvement on the right was achieved in one visit with the addition of our tooth coloured bonding resins and the tiniest bit of trimming of the teeth without the need for numbing injections.
Bleaching & Bonding

Here we wanted to brighten the teeth, eliminate the slight white enamel mottling on the central incisors and extend the length of the lateral teeth to give a fuller smile. After an initial course of home bleaching in one visit our tooth coloured bonding resins were used to lengthen the laterals and eliminate the mottling.

Here we have a case of mild to moderate crowding which responded well to fixed traditional braces. It was finished off with some bonding and shaping to align the incisal edges of the teeth.
Conventional Braces

Here the teeth were aligned with clear aligners and then the unsightly old crowns replaced with aesthetic new all porcelain ones.
Clear Aligners


Here we have a patient who had failing bridges (false teeth supported by the remaining teeth). Pictures on the left depict before with the bridge on the patients left having snapped off the supporting teeth. The patients smile, comfort and sensation of having your own teeth was restored with 6 implants and then porcelain bridging between them.

Here we have the gum profile restored with gum surgery. A gum graft is placed across the receded gum. Fortunately we Pavan at our practice who can carry out this work for you.
Periodontal (Gum) Plastic Surgery
This tooth requires a new filling due to decay in most cases this can be done by
white resin composite fillings with the advantage of adhesion to the tooth as well as its colour.

Tooth-coloured Posterior Fillings

Here discoloured teeth due to a previous accident are restored with veneers. Like false nails a thin sliver of porcelain is cemented on to the slightly reduced surface of the upper central incisors restoring the colour of the teeth.

Here we have a missing tooth replaced with a porcelain bridge. The missing tooth is cemented to the tooth behind the gap. It will feel as if you have your own tooth.
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